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Corporate social responsibility: blood donation day

In Buddhist belief, the act of giving freely of oneself is the greatest gift you can give - Thais call this: 'Tanbarmi Paramattha'.

Donating blood for others in need is a true act giving of oneself. Blood donation surely has to be seen as an act at the highest level of 'Tanbarmi Paramattha', a supreme act of giving of oneself, just the same as giving an essential organ of the human body to give life. Thai Buddhists truly believe that passing on their 'true giving' will give benefit, joy, happiness to others, and by freely giving will mean the circle of life will never end.

As part of Oriental Copper's many community acts of giving throughout the year, President Khun Tuanghong, management executives and employees participated in the company's now annual 'Blood Donation Day'. This act of great giving was to also celebrate another year of wonderful life of his Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, with the 5th December, 2011 marking the 84th anniversary of his Majesty's life.

The company's blood donation to the Thai Red Cross Society to provide sufficient blood reserves for the local community was held at the company's plant at Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate, Chonburi Province on Friday January 13th, 2012. 118 people gave a volume amounting to 47,200 cc.

The company has now held a Blood Donation Day for the last 8 years, and this event is now a permanent feature on the company's calendar. This year, Oriental Copper welcomed and honored Khun Busarawadee Ekachai, the President of Thai Red Cross Chonburi Province and her staff. Her visit was also to encourage the great charity work that the Thai Red Cross does in the community.